Tuesday 20 August 2013

دفتر اسامى الهاموش

يا دفعة يا مرمى ف كشك الحراسة.. لحد أما يطلع عليك النهار
يا صبحى محمد سعيد الفواعلى.. نزيـل المــوائد ف سـاعة الفطــار
يا كردى يا صالح يا جندى المراسلة.. توصــل مدام إنشراح بالخضــار
وترجع تجيب العيال م الحضانة.. وتطلع توّدى فلوس الإيجار
وسيد بشندى بتاع النضافة.. بيكنس تقاطع لاظوغلى ونوبار

ومحسن عفيفى بيقطع تذاكر.. ف خط المنيرة لحد المطار
وسعد المنادى ف خط العبور.. أخو أحمد قناوى أشارجى المرور
وأشــرف شرارة ف نفــس الإشارة.. بيطلع يوزع بواكى البخور
وعبده السواحلي بتاع الفريسكا.. بيسرح يوماتى ف شط الزهور
ودفتر أسامى الهاموش و الغلابة.. بيكبــر.. ولا توفّيــهوش الكتابة
وتسمن وتتخن كروش الديابة.. بلحم اللي ماتوا ف أخــر الطابور

قصيدة دفتر اسامى الهاموش - مصطفى إبراهيم

Sunday 23 June 2013

بين مؤيد ومعارض .. تطور طبيعة الخلاف في المجتمع المصري في العامين اﻵخيرين

في كل مشكلة سياسية من الطبيعي أن تنقسم اﻵراء بين حل أو آخر أو إلى شخص أو آخر 
 وقد اعتاد الشعب المصري الاختلاف والانقسام في الرأي حول مسلسلات رمضان أو ماتشات كرة القدم وربما حول أحد القرارات السياسية بحذر أو داخل أروقة أحد أحزاب المعارضة من شبابها وعادة ما تنتهي فكرة الخلاف بمجرد انتهاء النقاش ويذهب الجميع لاحتساء الشاي..
بعد ما يسمى اصطلاحاً بثورة 2011 وﻷن الجميع تفهم مؤخراً أن السياسة جزء من حياة اﻷفراد في بلادهم وأنها تمس المأكل والملبس كما تمس العقل والأمان فقد أصبح الخلاف أكبر واستعدت جذوره للتوغل في كل نواحي الحياة .. 
ما حدث هو أننا تركنا النبات المتوحش والسرطان المميت ينتشر بدعوى أننا نروي نبات الحرية والبناء والنهضة وكان ما يلتهم رعايتنا هو النبات المتوحش وخلايا السرطان المميت .. 
وﻷننا لم نتفهم بعد كيف نثق في اﻷخرين وقدراتهم على العمل بالتفاني والاخلاص اللازم وكيف نؤمن بقدرات اﻷخرين وان اختلفوا معنا وكيف نتفهم ونحترم أحلامهم ومبادئهم وعقائدهم كذلك .. وﻷننا كنا نتوقع وجود خطوات صادقة واسعة على أرض الواقع لحل مشكلات وأزمات الحياة اليومية والمستقبلية كنتيجة لما حدث فيما يسمى الثورة وليس اتخامنا بالديون والاهانات الدولية في هذه الفترة القصيرة (عام واحد)..
 وﻷن المجرمين طلقاء وﻷن القتلة طلقاء وﻷن المزورين طلقاء وﻷن الذئاب طلقاء 
وﻷنهم يظنون أني حبيس .. 
فما عاد يكفي النواح ولا عاد يكفي الصياح وأرض وطني للاعتراض براح.

Tuesday 18 June 2013

Leicester Award Student of the Year Ceremony 2013!

I have been nominated for Leicester Award (Thanks to my supervisor Dr. Artur Boronat who supported my nomination). It is the first ceremony of its kind in the University of Leicester to recognize students' achievements outside the normal study (extra-curriculum and voluntary experiences) during their time in the university.
A week before the ceremony I got two invitations. The first thing I was concerned about was what to wear. It is my first event of that kind and they specified a dress code in the invitation. To be honest I envied my husband, as there is no much room for choices in men cloths when it comes to "black tie" dress code! I asked some friends and they were really caring and helpful (thanks EC, NG, NE, FA .. I didn't ask their permission to disclose their names, but I wanted to say Thank You! so letters can be enough!).  

The venue, well .. it looked like this below. I sneaked in the afternoon (Mon. 17-06-2013) to see how brilliant it was. It was stunning!
The venue was ready shiny and spectacular!*
I met there the tutor of the experience I took part in, lovely, Dr. Elizabeth Cornish. She was helpful during the course and keen to know our feedback to update and customize the course to the students needs.
The Audience*

According to the statistics on (*), "the night was attended by over 200 notable students, and was followed by an after party with a further 250 guests who had also made big achievements this academic year."

part of the LA 2013 Nominees (my name, second on the slide)*

The keynote speaker, Jane Esuantsiwa Goldsmith is a real inspiration. She was the first black girl to lead the student union in Leicester University ever. I wanted to write down some of her words and quotes as I felt they are really true and shows wisdom, enthusiasm and experience. Unfortunately, I lost my pen somewhere in the ceremony, however, I will try to find the video. She is really The Queen!

The Queen Jane*
Thanks to Mohamed, my husband to join me in this night. He had to leave early from his work to catch up with me. I loved every minute of it because of you!
My husband, Mohamed, and me in the ceremony
My name in the List of Nominees
The candles were elegant on Table No.9

* Photos from the University of Leicester Student Union Facebook page.

Friday 10 May 2013

Egyptian Software Industry problems and the Software Engineering Syndicate Situation

Software Engineer Sherif Zahran talking about the Egyptian Software Industry problems after the revolution and the Software Engineering Syndicate Situation. Zahran was a member in the first Parliament after the Egyptian revolution.
المهندس شريف زهران، عضو مجلس الشعب السابق، ومقدم مشروع قانون نقابة مهندس البرمجيات، ومدير المشروعات بالجمعية المصرية لمهندسي البرمجيات

Related Links:
ESEA : Egyptian Software Engineers Association
FCI-CU : Faculty of Computers and Information, Cairo University

Friday 15 March 2013

Red Nose Day Cake Sale!

That was fun!

It started when Karen, our department manager, announces that she and a couple of staff members will bake and hold a cake sale in the red nose day in the department to raise some donations. Once I saw the email I started to think of something to do. "I would love to bake a cake and join the event too", I said to myself. I decided to make a Victoria Sandwich as I tried it twice before and everybody loved it. I ran to Karen and told her that. She was delighted and told me that now we have different types of cakes will be on the show (for eating!). Being so much excited and counting the days, I made a small version of the cake three days before the event day and it was a disaster! (Victoria Sandwich recipe).
I didn't know actually why it is called Victoria Sandwich or Sponge. One of the staff members asked me about why it is called like this and I said I have never thought of it! Afterwards I googled it and got that the Queen Alexandrina Victoria (1819–1901) of the UK used to have a sponge filled with raspberry jam and cream. So that it has named after her preferences. 
Today, we gathered in the reading room, which is also a chatting room, a lunch room, a coffee room, and sometimes a group discussion-based study! There were cakes, cupcakes, German bread, flapjacks, mincemeat (not meat, but fruits) sweets. Everything was delicious. There was a very special Computer Science carrot cake, made by Roy. You can see it in the picture covered with icing and topped with almonds and red nose monster. We had a chat, free talks about the food and the comic relief and red nose day. 

I really enjoyed it. Thank you Karen!

Wikipedia says: 
Comic Relief is an operating British charity, founded in 1985 by the comedy scriptwriter Richard Curtis and comedian Lenny Henry in response to famine in Ethiopia. The highlight of Comic Relief's appeal is Red Nose Day, a biennial telethon held in March, alternating with sister project Sport Relief. Similar events are held in US, Australia, Germany, Russia, Finland, and Iceland. Comic Relief is one of the two high profile telethon events held in the United Kingdom, the other being Children in Need, held annually in November.